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哥大陶行知讲座 : 南京晓庄
Stanford employed 2800 Chinese at his Vi :
Tehama and Vina Chinese-Stanford employe :
early Idaho Chinese : Hailey, California https://www.mtexpress.com/area_history/the-price-of-the-
Alex Hoar : 霍尔参议员的后代Alex  Hoar 提供了如下介绍:乔治·弗里斯比·霍尔(George Fri
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美国华人该有一副描绘自己历史的壁画 :
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鸦片 : With China's permission,traders voyage from Macao up the Pearl River to Canton o
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五月四日下午5点线上讲座:麻省私校引导学 : May 04 5PM PST webinar A Research Project at a MA private School guided students
傅路德 Luther Carrington Goodrich : https://www.jstor.org/stable/605789
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美国19世纪演出商 Phineas Taylor Barnum : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/P._T._Barnumhttps://barnum-museum.org/about/the-ma
费城“万唐人物”展览 : Merchant and philanthropist Nathan Dunn (1782–1844) founded the Chinese Museum
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药监局与中医药管理局不能混淆在一起 药监局与中医药管理局不能混淆在一起 ---   现在药监局还管中医药的事情,这有两个方面的不对:  一是药监局是按西医的方式 [详细]
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