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History of Chinese American gaining the momentum

已有 1092 次阅读2023-2-27 14:37 |个人分类:族裔自信文化自信|系统分类:转帖-时事政治经济

Cathy Huang
is the History of Chinese American gaining the momentum ?

The history of Chinese Americans has been gaining momentum in recent years, as there has been a growing interest in understanding the contributions and experiences of Chinese Americans in the United States.

In the past, the history of Chinese Americans was often overlooked or marginalized in mainstream American history textbooks and curricula. However, in recent years, there has been an effort to expand the representation of diverse groups in American history and to acknowledge the important role that Chinese Americans have played in shaping American society.

One example of this momentum can be seen in the increased attention given to the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, which was a significant moment in the history of Chinese Americans. This law prohibited Chinese immigrants from coming to the United States and denied citizenship to those already in the country. The impact of this law on Chinese Americans and their descendants is still felt today, and efforts to understand and address this history have gained momentum in recent years.

Additionally, there has been a greater focus on the contributions of Chinese Americans to American society, particularly in fields such as science, technology, and the arts. Chinese Americans have made significant contributions in these areas, but their achievements have not always been acknowledged or celebrated in mainstream American culture. Efforts to recognize and celebrate these contributions have gained momentum in recent years.

Overall, while there is still much work to be done to fully integrate the history of Chinese Americans into American history, there has been a notable increase in attention and momentum in recent years.

Cathy Huang
what does gaining momentum mean ?

"Gaining momentum" means that something is becoming more and more popular, widely recognized, or influential over time. It refers to a process of acceleration or growth that is gaining strength, speed, or power as it progresses.

In the context of a particular topic or issue, gaining momentum suggests that it is starting to receive more attention, interest, or support from the public, media, or policymakers. This increased attention and support can lead to greater awareness, advocacy, and action on the topic, and can eventually result in significant changes or improvements.

For example, if a social movement for a particular cause is said to be gaining momentum, it means that more people are becoming involved, more organizations are supporting the cause, and more progress is being made towards achieving the goals of the movement. Similarly, if a particular idea or concept is gaining momentum, it means that it is becoming more widely accepted, discussed, and implemented in different contexts.

what does gaining momentum mean ?

"Gaining momentum" means that something is becoming more and more popular, widely recognized, or influential over time. It refers to a process of acceleration or growth that is gaining strength, speed, or power as it progresses.

In the context of a particular topic or issue, gaining momentum suggests that it is starting to receive more attention, interest, or support from the public, media, or policymakers. This increased attention and support can lead to greater awareness, advocacy, and action on the topic, and can eventually result in significant changes or improvements.

For example, if a social movement for a particular cause is said to be gaining momentum, it means that more people are becoming involved, more organizations are supporting the cause, and more progress is being made towards achieving the goals of the movement. Similarly, if a particular idea or concept is gaining momentum, it means that it is becoming more widely accepted, discussed, and implemented in different contexts.








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