(寒凌解说:广州一商人买了一辆Tesla S, 应该在美金八万大刀左右,国内应该上200%的税吧,可惜在广州到北京的一千三百多英里的路途上没有充电设施,这位老兄就自己花钱从Telsa买了20个充电台安装在沿途的16个城市里)
Guangzhou businessman builds own charging network for his Tesla
Jul 17, 2014After getting his new Tesla Model S sedan in May this year in Beijing, Guangzhou-based businessman Zong Yi had a serious problem on how to get his electric-powered vehicle home. The southern boomtown where he lives, some 1,300 miles away from the Chinese capital, does not have adequate charging facilities in between cities. Zong then built his own charging network with his partners, buying 20 charging pillars from Tesla for Rmb5,000 (USD800) each and installed these on the 16 cities on the way to Guangzhou.