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分享 绳子的偏振与量子力学释疑
岳东晓 2016-7-19 10:18
有本书是我上大学时经常躺在床上看的,这就是 狄拉克 1930年写的《量子力学原理》一书的英文版。说句实话,看了大学的量子力学教材,算是会算,但 没怎么弄明白 。看了狄拉克的书,而且是看了多遍之后,概念清楚多了。从狄拉克的书出版,到我那时已经 过了半个多世纪,轮到我学量子力学,还得看他的书,可见人类的知识传承并非易事。 我从狄拉克书里学到的最有用的东西之一,就是 bra| 与 |ket 符号, 简便到可以不动脑子 -- 为什么符号起到这么大作用,也许是哲学研究的问题。 但是要知道, bra| 与 |ket跟量子力学并无直接关系。下面我用偏振的例子说明。除非我明确提到量子,读者不要以为我是在讲量子力学。 狄拉克的量子力学书中有个例子,是一个 三个偏振片的光学实验,两个互相垂直的偏振片可以把光完全挡住,中间插入一个斜着的偏振片,倒是有光通过了。 这完全是一个经典电磁学可以解释的物理现象 。 首先从下图看看什么是偏振: 上面的图应该很清楚。绳子传递的波振动方向与波传播方向垂直,这叫做横波。上图右边因为狭缝竖着,而绳子振动水平,波就传不过去。上面是一个直观的偏振现象,也是显然的事情。 牛顿光学理论里,光是由很多小粒子组成的,但是后来人们发现光有干涉与偏振现象,这使Thomas Young 提出光是一种横波。后来,麦克斯韦总结一组方程,提出了电磁波的理论,认为光就是电磁波,于是光波的概念成了物理学的定论(直到爱因斯坦提出光子概念)。 现在我们来看看光的偏振现象(注意这是经典物理,与量子无关):图中偏振片只允许垂直方向的电场通过,蓝色箭头表示入射光的总电场,也就是说入射光的偏振方向与偏振片的偏振方向夹角为 \theta ,紫色箭头表示电场在偏振片方向的分量,光线经过偏振片后,就只有这个紫色的分量了。 从数学上这是一个中学的矢量分解,对着光线看去,设其垂直方向为 y, 水平方向为x , 则入射光在通过偏振片之前的电场可以表示为 \vec{E} = E \sin\theta \hat{x} + E\cos\theta\hat{y} 其中 \hat{x}, \hat{y} 是两个方向的单位向量, 我们换个符号将其分别用 \mid\leftrightarrow\rangle, 与 \mid\updownarrow\rangle 表示。那么上述式子写成 \vec{E} = E \sin\theta \mid \leftrightarrow\rangle+ E\cos\theta \mid\updownarrow\rangle 。 狄拉克的bra-ket 符号也不只是量子系统才能用,上面 仅仅是符号的变化,完全是经典物理与简单的向量分解。 在经典物理中,光的强度正比于电场的平方,因此经过偏振片后的光强度为原来的 \cos^2\theta 。 三个偏振片的物理实验所以完全可以用经典的电磁学解释计算。那么狄拉克在其书中到底在说什么呢?他是在说如果只有一个 光 子,怎么解释这个偏振现象。对于一个光子,其分解方程跟上面几乎是完全一样的: \mid\nearrow\rangle = \sin\theta \mid \leftrightarrow\rangle+ \cos\theta \mid\updownarrow\rangle 但 一个光子只有一条命,或者能够通过,或者不能通过, 没有什么半个光子, 这跟经典电场可以任意分解不同。对于光子来说,上面的式子的意义不是说光子被分成了两份,而是说这个斜着偏振的光子的量子态可以视为两个互相垂直偏振的量子态的叠加,前面的系数是其几率振幅(平方是几率)。在量子理论里,这个偏振光子出于垂直偏振的几率是 \cos^2\theta ,这也就是它通过偏振片的几率。 我在网上看到有读者提出光子的“圆偏振”问题,这个问题很好。其实光子不应该说有什么偏振。作为一个基本粒子,光子的属性是自旋(自旋为1)以及相应的量子化角动量,这对应于经典物理的圆偏振。
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分享 基督教义说穿了就是两条
热度 11 岳东晓 2013-5-30 01:25
我有次与教会人士讨论圣经,发现他们没看懂。这是因为华人往往缺乏对西方文化的了解,而圣经中文翻译本有时候很蹩脚,华人在莫名其妙处,往往对圣经乱加解释。下面我对基督教的历史与教义做一个简单的介绍。 基督教中的”基督”二字是对耶稣的尊称,基督教也就是耶稣教,起源于中东。根据该教的传说,耶稣是上帝与玛利亚的儿子。基督教历史可以参见GIBBON所著《罗马帝国衰亡史》。简单的说,在基督教创始后300年,它在罗马帝国仍然只是一个很小的宗教群体,被罗马人视为东方迷信。后来罗马皇帝康士坦丁在公元4世纪初皈依该教,这才开始使其走上正统,但基督教依然不是罗马帝国的主要宗教,大部分罗马人信朱庇特诸神。公元380年,罗马帝国的西奥多西斯皇帝将基督教定为罗马国教,基督徒们摧毁罗马人传统的神庙(注一),到后来,罗马人不信基督就是死路一条。整个罗马被基督教化。 匈奴人打到罗马城下时,据说罗马教廷派人出去说了几句,匈奴就退兵了,罗马人以为神了。但日耳曼蛮子却没有这么好说话,罗马被哥特人(日耳曼蛮的一支)围困后,教堂派人去求和,却没有作用,罗马人看基督保佑不了他们,一度想恢复传统的罗马神灵,但没有成功。蛮子们最终杀进罗马,进行了大规模屠杀、抢掠、强奸。不少罗马烈女不堪凌辱而自杀(注二)。辉煌了上千年的罗马帝国灭亡。欧洲进入中世纪 (所谓中世纪是指从罗马灭亡到文艺复兴这段时间)。 基督教的核心教义是什么呢? 基督教千条、万条,说穿了就是两条: (1)不信耶稣的人必然下地狱,永远不得翻身;(2)信耶稣的人必然上天堂 。 好奇的读者们要问了 ,那些耶稣出生之前的人,比如说《旧约圣经》里的祖先们,如亚当、夏娃、摩西、亚伯拉罕等,古希腊的那些哲学家、科学家们,以及各种古代圣贤人物,根本没有机会知道耶稣,他们去哪?根据基督教义,答案很简单:下地狱。这些出生于耶稣之前的人显然没有机会信耶稣,其所谓原罪不免,所以必然下地狱。 好奇的童鞋又要问了 ,那如果基督徒的孩子出生后,还没来得及受洗就夭折了的,死后灵魂去哪里了呢?答案很简单:下地狱(注三)。 我们上高中时,没有什么好玩的,没有网上,就只好看书。我读过的一本书《神曲》,意大利人但丁所著,王维克翻译(注四),那本书有年头了,纸张发黄,里面有一些精美的插图,描述地狱里各种恐怖的情景。耶稣出生前的世界名人,包括旧约圣经里的先知们、数学家欧几里得、凯撒大帝都在地狱第一层里,地狱里还有很多没有受过洗礼的孩童,幼稚的脸上满是悲伤。悲惨啊,恐怖啊。 那么罪大恶极的罪犯如果信了基督又如何呢?童鞋们,当然是进天堂了。根据基督教教义,无论你干再大的坏事,只要信耶稣,必上天堂。所以教堂那些性侵儿童、女教徒的神父们,可以肆无忌惮的继续性侵。信耶稣就拿到了天堂的通行证。 现在知道信耶稣的好处与不信的坏处了吧?还不快信? 我觉得华人信耶稣之前要好好想想,宗教这东西也就是你心里的一个精神寄托。对华人来说,孝道是很重要的(注五)。信耶稣你自己倒是心安理得了,但你自己心里把自己祖宗都打入了地狱,这太自私了吧? 如果实在要信教,那种“我不入地狱,谁入地狱”的牺牲精神似乎高出一个境界。 注一:罗马原有的宗教比较杂乱没有凝聚力,很难与基督教抗衡;罗马皇帝JULIAN(从小就是基督徒)宣布背离基督教、试图恢复传统罗马宗教,但他在出征波斯时战死,其改革没能完成。 注二:基督教圣奥古斯丁(St. Augustine)论证说,烈女们不应该自杀,但也不应该享受强奸。 注三:最近罗马教皇对婴儿下地狱的事情进行了一些阐述,似乎说婴儿死亡还是可能进天堂的,教皇可能也觉得需要与时俱进,但却又称不代表教廷的观点。 注四:上大学时看到过一位姓朱的人士翻译的,读起来极为枯燥,比王维克差远了。 注五:当年湘军剿灭拜上帝教、维护汉文明,孝道是理论根据之一。
24676 次阅读|29 个评论
分享 中美望厦条约英文版
热度 1 岳东晓 2013-4-20 12:33
在网上找了半天,居然找不到中美望厦条约的全文,最后只找到英文影印本,OCR之后,得到文本如下 TREATY WITH CHINA. THE United States of America and the Ta Tsing Empire, desiring tc establish firm, lasting, and sincere friendship between the two nations, have resolved to fix, in a manner clear and positive, by means of a treaty or general convention of peace, amity, and commerce, the rules which shall in future be mutually observed in the intercourse of their respective countries :-For which most desirable object, the President of the United States has conferred full powers on their Commissioner Caleb Cushing, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States to China j and the August Sovereign of the Ta Tsing Empire on his Minister and Commissioner Extraordinary Tsiyeng, of the Imperial House, a vice Guardian of the Heir Apparent, Governor-general of the Two Kwang, and Superintendant General of the trade and foreign intercourse of the five ports. And the said Commissioners, after having exchanged their said full powers, and duly considered the premises, have agreed to the following articles: ARTICLE I. There shall be a perfect, permanent, universal peace, and a sincere and cordial amity, between the United States of America on the one part, and the Ta Tsing Empire on the other part, and between their people respectively, without exception of persons or places. ARTICLE II. Citizens of the United States resorting to China for the purposes of commerce will pay the duties of import and export prescribed in the Tariff, which is fixed by and made a part of this Treaty. They shall, in no case, be subject to other or higher duties than are or shall be required of the people of any other nation whatever. Fees and charges of every sort are wholly abolished, and officers of the revenue, who may be guilty of exaction, shall be punished according to the laws of China. If the Chinese Government desire to modify, in any respect, the said Tariff, such modification shall be made only in consultation with consuls or other functionaries thereto duly authorized in behalf of the United States, and with consent thereof. And if additional advantages or privileges of whatever description, be conceded hereafter by China to any other nation, the United States, and the citizens thereof, shall be entitled thereupon, to a complete, equal, and impartial participation in the same. ARTICLE III. The citizens of the United States are permitted to frequent the five ports of Kwang-chow, Amoy, Fuchow, Ningpo, and Shanghai, and to reside with their families and trade there, and to proceed at pleasure with their vessels and merchandize to and from any foreign port and either of the said five ports, and from either of the said five ports to any other of them. But said vessels shall not unlawfully enter the other ports of China, nor carryon a clandestine and fraudulent trade along the coasts thereof. And any vessel belonging to a citizen of the United States, which violates this provision, shall, with her cargo, be subject to confiscation to the Chinese Government. ARTICLE IV. For the superintendence and regulation of the concerns of the citizens of the United States doing business at the said five ports, the Government of the United States may appoint consuls, or other officers at the same, who shall be duly recognized as such by the officers of the Chinese Government, and shall hold official intercourse and correspondence with the latter, either personal or in writing, as occasions may require on terms of equality and reciprocal respect. If disrespectfully treated or aggrieved in any way by the local authorities, said officers on the one hand shall have the right to make representation of the same to the superior officers of the Chinese Government, who will see that full inquiry and strict justice be had in the premises; and on the other hand the said consuls will carefully avoid all acts of unnecessary offence to or collision with, the officers and people of China. ARTICLE V. At each of the said five ports, citizens of the United States lawfully engaged in commerce, shall be permitted to import from their own or any other ports into China, and sell there, and purchase therein, and export to their own or any other ports, all manner of merchandize, of which the importation or exportation is not prohibited by this Treaty, paying the duties which are prescribed by the Tariff hereinbefore established, and no other charges whatsoever. ARTICLE VI. Whenever any merchant vessel belonging to the United States shall enter either of the said five ports for trade, her papers shall be lodged with the consul, or person charged with affairs, who will report the same to the Commissioner of Customs; and tonnage duty shall be paid on said vessel at the rate of five mace per ton, if she be over one hundred and fifty tons burden; and one mace per ton if she be of the burden of one hundred and fifty tons or under, according to the amount of her tonnage as specified in the register; said payment to be in full of the former charges of measurement and other fees, which are wholly abolished. And if any vessel, which having anchored at one of the said ports, and there paid tonnage duty, shall have occasion to go to any others of the said ports to complete the disposal of her cargo, the consul, or person charged with affairs, will report the same to the Commissioner of Customs, who, on the departure of the said vessel, will note in the port-clearance that the tonnage duties have been paid, and report the same to the other custom-houses; in which case on entering another port the said vessel will only pay duty there on her cargo, but shall not be subject to the payment of tonnage duty a second time. ARTICLE VII. No tonnage duty shall be required on boats belonging to citizens of the United States, employed in the conveyance of passengers, baggage, letters, and articles of provision, or others not subject to duty, to or from any of the five ports. All cargo-boats, however, conveying merchandize subject to duty, shall pay the regular tonnage duty of one mace per ton, provided they belong to citizens of the United States, but not if hired by them from subjects of China. ARTICLE VIII. Citizens of the United States, for their vessels bound in, shall be allowed to engage pilots, who will report said vessels at the passes, and take them into port; and, when the lawful duties have all been paid, they may engage pilots to leave port. It shall be lawful for them to hire, at pleasure, servants, compradors, linguists, and writers, and passage or cargo boats, and to employ laborers, seamen, and persons for whatever necessary service, for a reasonable compensation, to be agreed 011 by the parties, or settled by application to the consular officer of their government, without interference on the part of the local officers of the Chinese government. ARTICLE IX. Whenever merchant vessels belonging to the United States shall have entered port, the superintendent of customs will, if he see fit, appoint custom-house officers to guard said vessels, who may live on board the ship or their own boats, at their convenience; but provision for the subsistence of said officers shall be made by the superintendent of customs, and they shall not be entitled to any allowance from the vessel or owner thereof; and they shall be subject to suitable punishment for any exaction practised by them in violation of this regulation. ARTICLE X. Whenever a merchant vessel belonging to the United States shall cast anchor in either of said ports, the supercargo, master, or consignee, will, within forty-eight hours, deposit the ship's papers in the hands of the consul or person charged with the affairs of the United States, who will cause to be communicated to the superintendent of customs a true report of the name and tonnage of such vessel, the names of her men, and of the cargo on board; which being done, the superintendent will give a permit for the discharge of her cargo. And the master, supercargo, or consignee, if he proceed to discharge the cargo without such permit, shall incur a fine of five hundred dollars; and the goods so discharged without permit shall be subject to forfeiture to the Chinese government. But if the master of any vessel in port desire to discharge a part only of the cargo, it shall be lawful for him to do so, paying duties on such part only, and to proceed with the remainder to any other ports. Or, if the master so desire, he may, within forty-eight hours after the arrival of the vessel, but not later, decide to depart without breaking bulk; in which case he will not be subject to pay tonnage or other duties or charges, until, on his arrival at another port, he shall proceed to discharge cargo, when he will pay the duties on vessel and cargo, according to law. And the tonnage duties shall be held to be due after the expiration of said forty-eight hours. ARTICLE XI. The superintendent of customs, in order to the collection of the pro. per duties, will, on application made to him through the consul, appoint suitable officers, who shall proceed, in the presence of the captain, supercargo, or consignee, to make a just and fair examination of all goods in the act of being discharged for importation, or laden for exportation on board any merchant vessel of the• United States. And if dispute occur in regard to the value of goods subject to an ad valorem duty, or in regard to the amount of tare, and the same cannot be satisfactorily arranged by the parties, the question may, within twenty-four hours, and not afterwards, be referred to the said consul to adjust with the superintendent of customs. ARTICLE XII. Sets of standard balances, and also weights and measures, duly prepared, stamped, and sealed, according to the standard of the custom at Canton, shall be delivered by the superintendents of customs to the consuls at each of the five ports, to secure uniformity, and prevent confusion in measures and weights of merchandize. ARTICLE XIII. The tonnage duty on vessels belonging to citizens of the United States shall be paid on their being admitted to entry. Duties of import shall be paid on the discharge of the goods, and duties of export on the lading of the same. .When all such duties shall have been paid, and not before, the superintendant of customs shall give a port-clearance, and the consul shall return the ship's papers, so that she may depart on her voyage. The duties shall be paid to the shroffs authorized by the Chinese government to receive the same in its behalf. Duties payable by merchants of the United States shall be received either in sycee silver or in foreign money, at the rate of exchange as ascertained by the regulations now in force. And imported goods, on their resale or transit in any part of the empire, shall be subject to the imposition of no other duty than they are accustomed to pay at the date of this treaty. ARTICLE XIV. No goods on board any merchant vessel of the United States in port are to be transhipped to another vessel, unless there be particular occasion therefor; in which case, the occasion shall be certified by the consul to the superintendant of customs, who may appoint officers to examine into the facts, and permit the transhipment. And if any goods be transhipped without such application, inquiry, and permit, they shall be subject to be forfeited to the Chinese government. ARTICLE XV. The former limitation of the trade of foreign nations to certain persons appointed at Canton by the Government, and commonly called hong-merchants, having been abolished, citizens of the United States engaged in the purchase or sale of goods of import or export, are admitted to trade with any and all subjects of China without distinction; they shall not be subject to any new limitations, nor impeded in their business by monopolies or other injurious restrictions. ARTICLE XVI. The Chinese Government will not hold itself responsible for any debts which may happen to be due from subjects of China to citizens of the United States, or for frauds committed by them: but citizens of the United States may seek redress in law; and on suitable representation being made to the Chinese local authorities through the consul, they will cause due examination in the premises, and take all proper steps to compel satisfaction. But in case the debtor be dead, or without property, or have absconded, the creditor cannot be indemnified according to the old system of the co-hong so called. And if citizens of the United States be indebted to subjects of China, the latter may seek redress in the same way through the consul, but without any responsibility for the debt on the part of the United States. ARTICLE XVII. Citizens of the United States residing or sojourning at any of the ports open to foreign commerce, shall enjoy all proper accommodation in obtaining houses and places of business, or in hiring sites from the inhabitants on which to construct houses and places of business, and also hospitals, churches and cemeteries. The local authorities of the two Governments shall select in concert the sites for the foregoing objects, having due regard to the feelings of the people in the location thereof: and the parties interested will fix the rent by mutual agreement, the proprietors on the one hand not demanding any exorbitant price, nor the merchants on the other unreasonably insisting on particular spots, but each conducting with justice and moderation. And any desecration' of said cemeteries by subjects of China shall be severely punished according to law. At the places of anchorage of the vessels of the United States, the citizens of the United States, merchants, seamen, or others sojourning there, may pass and repass in the immediate neighborhood; but they shall not at their pleasure make excursions into the country among the villages at large, nor shall they repair to public marts for the purpose of disposing of goods unlawfully and in fraud of the revenue. And, in order to the preservation of the public peace, the local officers of government at each of the five ports, shall, in concert with the consuls, define the limits beyond which it shall not be lawful for citizens of the United States to go. ARTICLE XVIII. It shall be lawful for the officers or citizens of the United States to employ scholars and people of any part of China without distinction of persons, to teach any of the languages of the empire, and to assist in literary labors; and the persons so employed shall not, for that cause, be subject to any injury on the part either of the government or of individuals: and it shall in like manner be lawful for citizens of the United States to purchase all manner of books in China. ARTICLE XIX. All citizens of the United States in China, peaceably attending to their affairs, being placed on a- Common footing of amity and goodwill with subjects of China, shall receive and enjoy, for themselves and every thing appertaining to them, the special protection of the local authorities of Government, who shall defend them from all insult or injury of any sort on the part of the Chinese. If their dwellings or property be threatened or attacked by mobs, incendiaries, or other violent or lawless persons, the local officers, on requisition of the consul, will immediately despatch a military force to disperse the rioters, and will apprehend the guilty individuals, and punish them with the utmost rigor of the law. ARTICLE XX. Citizens of the United States who may have imported merchandize into any of the free ports of China, and paid the duty thereon, if they desire to re-export the same, in part or in whole, to any other of the said ports, shall be entitled to make application, through their consul, to the superintendant of Customs, who, in order to prevent frauds on the revenue, shall cause examination to be made by suitable officers to see that the duties paid on such goods, as entered on the custom-house books, correspond with the representation made, and that the goods remain with their original marks unchanged, and shall then make a memorandum in the port-clearance, of the goods, and the amount of duties paid on the same, and deliver the same to the merchant; and shall also certify the facts to the officers of customs of the other ports. All which being done, on the arrival in port of the vessel in which the goods are laden, and every thing being found on examination there to correspond. she shall be permitted to break bulk and land the said goods, without being subject to the payment of any additional duty thereon. But if, 011 such examination, the superintendent of customs shall detect any fraud on the revenue in the case, then the goods shall be subject to forfeiture and confiscation to the Chinese Government. ARTICLE XXI. Subjects of China who may be guilty of any criminal act towards citizens of the United States, shall be arrested and punished by the Chinese authorities according to the laws of China: and citizens of the United States who may commit any crime in China, shall be subject to be tried and punished only by the consul, or other public functionary of the United States, thereto authorized according to the laws of the United States. And in order to the prevention of all controversy and disaffection, justice shall be equitably and impartially administered on both sides. ARTICLE XXII. Relations of peace and amity between the United States and China being established by this treaty, and the vessels of the United States being admitted to trade freely to and from the five ports of China open to foreign commerce, it is further agreed that in case at any time hereafter, China should be at war with any foreign nation whatever, and for that cause should exclude such nation from entering her ports, still the vessels of the United States shall not the less continue to pursue their commerce in freedom and security, and to transport goods to and from the ports of the belligerent parties, full respect being paid to the neutrality of the flag of the United States: Provided that the said flag shall not protect vessels engaged in the transportation of officers or soldiers in the enemy's service; nor shall said flag be fraudulently used to enable the enemy's ships with their cargoes to enter the ports of China; but all such vessels so offending shall be subject to forfeiture and confiscation to the Chinese Government. ARTICLE XXIII. The consuls of the United States at each of the five ports open to foreign trade, shall make annually to the respective Governors-general thereof, a detailed report of the number of vessels belonging to the United States which have entered and left said ports during the year, and of the amount and value of goods imported or exported in said vessels, for transmission to and inspection of the Board of Revenue. ARTICLE XXIV. If citizens of the United States have special occasion to address any communication to the Chinese local officers of Government, they shall submit the same to their consul, or other officer, to determine if the language be proper and respectful, and the matter just and right; in which event he shall transmit the same to the appropriate authorities for their consideration and action in the premises. In like manner, if subjects of China have special occasion to address the consul of the United States, they shall submit the communication to the local authorities of their own Government, to determine if the language be respectful and proper, and the matter just and right; in which case the said authorities will transmit the same to the consul, or other officer, for his consideration and action in the premises. And if controversies arise between citizens of the United States and subjects of China, which cannot be amicably settled otherwise, the same shall be examined and decided conformably to justice and equity by the public officers of the two nations acting in conjunction. ARTICLE XXV. All questions in regard to rights, whether of property or person, arising between citizens of the United States in China, shall be subject to the jurisdiction and regulated by the authorities of their own Government. And all controversies occurring in China between citizens of the United States and the subjects of any other Government, shall be regulated by the treaties existing between the United States and such Governments, respectively, without interference on the part of China. ARTICLE XXVI. Merchant vessels of the United States lying in the waters of the five ports of China open to foreign commerce, will be under the jurisdiction of the officers of their own Government j who, with the masters and owners thereof, will manage the same without control on the part of China. For injuries done to the citizens or the commerce of the United States by any foreign power, the Chinese Government will not hold itself bound to make reparation. But if the merchant-vessels of the United States, while within the waters over which the Chinese Government exercises jurisdiction, be plundered by robbers or pirates, then the Chinese local authorities, civil and military, on receiving information thereof, will arrest the said robbers or pirates, and punish them according to law, and will cause all the property which can be recovered, to be placed in the hands of the nearest consul, or other officer of the United States, to be by him restored to the true owner. But if, by reason of the extent of territory and numerous population of China, it should, in any case, happen that the robbers cannot be apprehended, or the property only in part recovered, then the law will take its course in regard to the local authorities, but the Chinese Government will not make indemnity for the goods lost. ARTICLE XXVII. If any vessel of the United States shall be wrecked or stranded on the coast of China, and be subjected to plunder or other damage, the proper officers of Government on receiving information of the fact, will immediately adopt measures for their relief and security; and the persons on board shall receive friendly treatment, and be enabled at once to repair to the most convenient of the free ports, and shall enjoy all facilities for obtaining supplies of provisions and water. And if a vessel shall be forced in whatever way to take refuge in any port other than one of the free ports, then in like manner the persons on board shall receive friendly treatment, and the means of safety and security. ARTICLE XXVIII. Citizens of the United States, their vessels and property, shall not be subject to any embargo; nor shall they be seized or forcibly detained for any pretense of the public service; but they shall be suffered to prosecute their commerce in quiet, and without molestation or embarrassment. ARTICLE XXIX. The local authorities of the Chinese Government will cause to be apprehended all mutineers or deserters from on board the vessels of the United States in China, and will deliver them up to the consuls or other officers for punishment. And if criminals, subjects of China, take refuge in the houses or on board the vessels of citizens of the United States, they shall not be harbored or concealed, but shall be delivered up to justice, on due requisition by the Chinese local officers addressed to those of the United States. The merchants, seamen, and other citizens of the United States shall be under the superintendence of the appropriate officers of their government. If individuals of either nation commit acts of violence and disorder, use arms to the injury of others, or create disturbances endangering life, the officers of the two governments will exert themselves to enforce order, and to maintain the public peace, by doing impartial justice in the premises. ARTICLE XXX. The superior authorities of the United States and of China in corresponding together, shall do so, in terms of equality, and in'the form of mutual communication (chau hwui) .The consuls, and the local officers, Civil and military, in corresponding together, shall likewise employ. the. style and form of mutual communication, (chau hwui.) When inferior officers of the one government address superior officers of the other, they shall do in the style and form of memorial, (shin chin) Private individuals, in addressing superior officers, shall employ the style of petition, (pin ching.) In no case shall any terms or style be suffered which shall be offensive or disrespectful to either party. And it is agreed that no presents, under any pretext or form whatever, shall ever be demanded of the United States by China, or of China by the United States. ARTICLE XXXI. Communications from the government of the United States to the court of China shall be transmitted through the medium of the Imperial Commissioner charged with the superintendence of the concerns of foreign nations with China, or through the Governor-general of the Liang Kwang, that of Min and Cheh, or that of the Liang Kiang. ARTICLE XXXII. Whenever ships of war of the United States, in cruizing for the protection of the commerce of their country, shall arrive at any of the ports of China, the commanders of said ships and the superior local authorities of Government, shall hold intercourse together in terms of equality and courtesy, in token of the friendly relations of their respective nations. And the said ships of war shall enjoy all suitable facilities on the part of the Chinese Government in the purchase of provisions, procuring water, and making repairs if occasion require. ARTICLE XXXIII. Citizens of the United States, who shall attempt to trade clandestinely with such of the ports of China as are not open to foreign commerce, or who shall trade in opium or any other contraband article of merchandize, shall be subject to be dealt with by the Chinese Government, without being entitled to any countenance or protection from that of the United States; and the United States will take measures to prevent their flag from being abused by the subjects of other nations, as a cover for the violation of the laws of the Empire. ARTICLE XXXIV. When the present convention shall have been definitively concluded, it shall be obligatory on both Powers, and its provisions shall not be altered without grave cause; but, inasmuch as the circumstances of the several ports of China open to foreign commerce are different, experience may show that inconsiderable modifications are requisite in those parts which relate to commerce and navigation: in which case, the two Governments will, at the expiration of twelve years from the date of said convention, treat amicably concerning the same, by the means of suitable persons appointed to conduct such negotiation. And when ratified, this Treaty shall be faithfully observed in all its parts by the United States and China, and by every citizen and subject of each. And no individual State of the United States can appoint or send a minister to China to call in question the provisions of the same. The present treaty of peace, amity, and .commerce, shall be ratified and approved by the President of the United States, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate thereof, and by the August Sovereign of the Ta Tsing Empire, and the ratifications shall be exchanged, within eighteen months from the date of the signature thereof, or sooner if possible. . In faith whereof, We, the respective Plenipotentiaries of the United States of America, and of the Ta Tsing Empire, as aforesaid. have signed and sealed these presents. Done at Wang Hiya, this third day of July, in the year of our Lord Jesus Christ, one thousand eight hundred and forty-four; and of Taoukwang, the twenty-fourth year, fifth month, and eighteenth day. TSIYENG,
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