我在【 《美国真正的可怕之处在哪儿?》的中国式误区 】一文中写到,提到美国国会通过《印第安人清除法》之后,【 切诺基于是在美国法院起诉,结果美国最高法院还判他们赢了(1832年)。然而,枪杆子里面出政权,依法治国的美国总统杰克逊嘲笑了美国最高法院一番,把美国最高法院判决当成一张废纸。】 中西部网客似乎没有听说过相关历史,还在查维基百科。 我今天本来准备买一本美国初中历史教科书送给中西部网客作为新年礼物的 ,正在亚马逊上查,突然发现网上就有初中历史课,还有多媒体录像。就先给他发过来 http://education-portal.com/academy/course/us-history-middle-school.html 打开第六章,第8课, http://education-portal.com/academy/lesson/the-trail-of-tears-and-jacksons-indian-removal-act-of-1830.html 我建议他看相关课程录像并阅读相关文字。 我看了一下,发现这初中课本还讲得蛮透彻。还说杰克逊本是维护联邦权威的,只是在印第安人问题上就变了。 【 At the time Jackson was president, their lands had shrunk, but still they remained in control of sizable swaths of land in northern Georgia, Tennessee, and North Carolina, lands the white settlers wanted for growing cotton... With mounting pressure from all sides, the Cherokee tried to appeal their case to the United States Supreme Court in 1831 but were denied a hearing. In another court case, Worcester v. Georgia (1832), the Supreme Court held that the Cherokee were entitled to legal protection from encroachments by the state of Georgia on their lands. The problem was the Supreme Court gave opinions with no power to back them up. When it came time to enforce the ruling, Georgia and President Jackson, simply ignored it and continued preparations for the removal of the Cherokee.】 怕他英文程度不到美国初中,我翻译一下:【杰克逊执政期间,切诺基的土地已经缩减,但仍然控制了乔治亚北部、田纳西、北卡各州相当的土地,白人想用占据这些土地种棉花。。。面对来自各方日益严重的压力,切诺基在1831年尝试向美国最高法院陈情但被拒绝。在另一个案子(沃彻斯特对乔治亚)中,美国最高法院裁定切诺基领土有权获得法律保护而不受乔治亚州的侵蚀。问题是,美国最高法院可以给出判决,却并没有能力维护其判决。轮到强制执行判决的时候,乔治亚州与杰克逊总统简单地对判决不予理睬,而是继续进行清除印第安人的准备。】 先学学这段初中历史,然后对比本人写的 【枪杆子里面出政权,依法治国的美国总统杰克逊嘲笑了美国最高法院一番,把美国最高法院判决当成一张废纸。】 我干脆还再耐心一点,把我的中文翻成英文: 【'Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.' (quoting Chairman Mao)U.S. President Jackson, ’under the rule of law‘ (sarcasm), ridiculed the U.S. Supreme Court and treated the ruling of the U.S. Supreme Court as a piece of junk paper.】